Monday, May 24, 2010

Black and White


This is a portrait of my friend, Brooke. I love how her skin looks against the dark blue background. I darkened the picture a bit and color balanced it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Grateful Dead


Jackers and Burt

This is Jack and Burt. They are best friend. Kind of cute, right?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yellow Wallpaper

I'm pretty upset with how this picture turned out. I had a really great plan to take it of my friend Brooke playing the part of the woman, but Brooke ended up throwing up and going home... nice, right? So with about an hour left of the day I rushed to take this photo. The message of the woman in the story being locked in the room is shown pretty well by the closed door. I just put a screen over the photo and lightened it a little bit. The photo turned out fine but it could of been a lot stronger.


When I see the color blue, I see relaxation, sluggish-ness, and laziness. So for my blue picture I took a picture of the boyfriend relaxing on the couch. I like the look of the bright window in the background because it creates interest in the photo. The rule of thirds also applies in the picture because Jack is laying across the bottom "third" line. I color balanced the photo, changed the curve and also upped the blue a bit. I'm not crazy about how it turned out but it gets the message across.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is the photo I plan on turning in... but the photo above this is the original that I also really like.

Thinking of colors, their meanings, and photos to represent them was hard for me. I was just feeling uninspired. While sitting in math class, I tried to think of some ideas (maybe that's why I'm sort of not doing so hot in that class...) but anyway, I was staring at a white board and noticing how boring it was. White board, white fluorescent lights, white wall. For me white equals boring. Because we can't take pictures at school I adapted this photo to work in a basement. The basement has a white wall, white fluorescent lights, and a white couch. I nicely asked/forced Jack to sit in the photo for me wearing a white T-shirt, just to make sure the "white" message was clear. I really like how it turned out. The colors look intense and not washed out and their is also good contrast between the shadows and the white. I color balanced the photo and upped the contrast a bit.

Fake Apples

Green... Greed...
I was inspired to take this photo while I was watching The Pacific with Jack. He has a bowl of fake apples sitting on his coffee table. Their bright Green color caught my eye and I figured I could think of a meaning behind the color. And it came to me! Greed! While the apple and greed might not have a connection right away my thought process went like this: Apples! Green! People always want money... money runs the world... money=greed... greed is a feeling... green apples=greed! Yesss!!! End thought process. To help represent the greed feeling I reached out to the apple when I took the picture. I think it turned out really good. I color balance the photo and than darkened it a bit.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Attractive vs Repulsive

I consider this picture of wood repulsive. Instead of looking at what it is actually a picture of, which is seen as attractive, I saw more of how these trees had been cut down and took a more political view of this, deforestation. For this photo I color balanced it and than I put an overlay layer with a slight blur over it to bring out the colors.

This picture of the pond near my house I see as attractive. All the colors and the sunlight look beautiful. For this photo I just put an overlay layer over it with a slight blur to create what I hopped would look like sunlight.

This photo is of my aunts hand. At first it may seem repulsive because her hands are wrinkly but it really is beautiful. The lines in her hands show that shes been through life. Also her diamond wedding ring represent the love her and her husband have for each other. For this photo I blurred the background and brought the contrast up by playing around with the curve tool.

This first photo of my friend Emily I consider repulsive. Although the girl is beautiful, her face is covered in heavy makeup, hiding her natural beauty. Also her "dumb blonde" look she has on her face makes her seem stupid. While stupidity might not be what is repulsive, the fact that she has a dumb look on her face makes it seem like she is acting dumb which is repulsive. In this photo I clone stamped out some redness on Emily's face and whitened her teeth. I than color burned her lips and eyes to make her makeup look more heavy. I than put an luminosity layer over with a slight blur to soften up the whole photo.